Device Support

Modus supports design patterns, best usability and accessibility practices for products built across platforms.

Trimble suite of products spans a plethora of sectors and devices. In order to ensure different teams can build beautiful user experiences, Modus currently supports the following devices and platforms:

Currently Supported

Web-based Software

Software that is built to be viewed on a web-browser on a desktop, tablet, and/or other mobile device. The content adapts to different screen sizes. Modus provides a responsive grid and design patterns that reflect best usability practices for all breakpoints.

Modus Bootstrap supports the following browsers:

  • Chrome >= 80
  • Edge >= 80
  • Firefox >= 80
  • iOS >= 12
  • Safari >= 12

Note: As Microsoft themselves have dropped support we no longer include that in our default browserslist config, but you can add support by editing the browserslist config for your project.

We use Autoprefixer to handle intended browser support via CSS prefixes, which uses Browserslist to manage these browser versions. Consult their documentation for how to integrate these tools into your projects.

Desktop Software

A desktop application runs on a computer or device locally and is built to be installed in the environment of the device’s operating system (i.e. Microsoft Windows).

Mobile Applications

Modus supports native, hybrid, and web-based apps designed to run on a mobile device such as a phone or a tablet. Currently, we do not support watch patterns.

Last updated September 17, 2024.