
Range Sliders select a numeric value, or range of values, by moving a handle, or set of handles, along a bar. The slider in its basic form should be accompanied by a label and a number input that doubles as a display for the slider’s current value.


Create custom <input type="range"> controls with .custom-range.

Only Firefox currently support “filling” in their track from the left of the thumb so only those browsers show that styling.

Basic range

<label for="customRange1">Example range</label>
<input type="range" class="custom-range" id="customRange1">

<label for="disabledRange">Disabled range</label>
<input type="range" class="custom-range" disabled="" id="disabledRange">

Defining min and max

Range inputs have implicit values for min and max - 0 and 100, respectfully. You may specify new values for those using the min and max attributes.

<label for="customRange2">Example range</label>
<input type="range" class="custom-range" min="0" max="5" id="customRange2">

Defining steps

By default, range inputs “snap” to integer values. To change this, you can specify a step value. In the example below, we double the number of steps by using step="0.5".

<label for="customRange3">Example range</label>
<input type="range" class="custom-range" min="0" max="5" step="0.5" id="customRange3">
Last updated July 28, 2022.